Major Voter File Clean-Up About to Be Announced

(Chuck Muth) – Since my last few updates have been rather lengthy, here’s a short one with some cheerful news…

Word on the street is that Clark County alone is about to announce that almost 100,000 “active” voters are being moved to “inactive” status – which means they will NOT be automatically receiving mail-in ballots in the fall election.

Statewide figures will likely be announced later this month.

Guesstimating that the cost to mail each ballot is around five bucks, this will also be a savings to taxpayers of around a half-million dollars!

Have a great day.


“Mass vote by mail requires highly accurate voter rolls. Otherwise, ballots end up at the wrong addresses and some people are even sent multiple ballots under slightly different versions of their name.” – J. Christian Adams, president, Public Interest Legal Foundation

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization founded in 1992.  Donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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