“When you have dirty voting rolls, you can have dirty elections.”
- Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch
The Problem: Making It Easier to Cheat in Elections
(Chuck Muth, President, Citizen Outreach) – In 2021, Nevada’s Legislature permanently changed the state’s election laws and now automatically mails a ballot to every “Active” registered voter. Mail-in balloting has been changed from an opt-in system – absentee ballots with security protections in place – to an opt-out system.
The big problem is Nevada’s notoriously “dirty” voter lists that include the names of voters who have passed away, moved permanently, or are otherwise ineligible to vote at the address where they are registered.
When ballots are mailed to these individuals, it dramatically increases the potential for voting fraud by those unscrupulous enough to cast a ballot that doesn’t belong to them, thus calling into question the legitimacy of the results in an election.
The Solution: Scrubbing Voter Files of Ineligible Voters
Detecting and documenting voting fraud after an election is extremely difficult. So the best way to protect the integrity and security of our elections is to take precautions before votes are cast.
Unless the Nevada Legislature changes the new mail-in ballot election law, the best way to reduce the potential for voting fraud is to clean up the voter lists so that ballots aren’t mailed out to people who shouldn’t be getting them.
That is the goal of the Pigpen Project.
Summary of the Pigpen Project
Abraham Lincoln once advised that the first step to running a successful election was to “make a perfect list of the voters.” Unfortunately, despite technical advances in database management, our current voter files are anything but “perfect.”
While there are a number of different areas related to election integrity that need to be fixed, Citizen Outreach’s Pigpen Project is focused primarily on cleaning up Nevada’s voter files so that only legally eligible voters are mailed a ballot.
The objectives of the Pigpen Project include…
· Educating the public on the dangers of “dirty” voter lists
· Researching databases to “red flag” voters registered at vacant lots, commercial addresses, PO boxes, abandoned houses, or have moved or died
· Creating a master database of suspected inaccurate voter registrations
· Organizing “boots on the ground” to verify accuracy of voter file records
· Work with local election officials to find out exactly what they require to remove ineligible voters from the voter lists
· Develop protocols for volunteers to obtain actionable evidence for successfully challenging a voter’s eligibility
· Coordinate communications with various groups and individuals engaged in election security efforts
What Happens in Nevada…
There are three reasons why the rest of the country should care about the validity of voter rolls in Nevada…
- Who the next President of the United States is going to be could well be determined by who wins Nevada’s six electoral votes.
- Democrats currently have just a one-seat majority in the U.S. Senate. Who wins Nevada’s U.S. Senate race in 2024 could determine which party controls the Senate.
- Republicans currently hold a razor-thin majority in the House – and Nevada will have three competitive House seats on the ballot next year.
So it’s not much of a stretch to suggest that “He who takes Nevada, takes the country.”
What You Can Do
First, sign up to get breaking news and updates on the project by subscribing to our e-newsletter at https://pigpenproject.com.
Secondly, when you receive information from the project, please share it with your network of friends, family, neighbors and co-workers in order to raise “public awareness” of the problems.
Lastly: As the saying goes, you can’t save the world if you can’t pay the rent. And every little bit helps! Donations to the Pigpen Project can be made to:
Citizen Outreach Foundation
5841 E. Charleston Blvd. #230-253
Mt. Reagan, NV 89142
Or online at: https://pigpenproject.com/donate

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1992. Donations are tax-deductible (EIN# 94-3178977) and non-disclosable. We do not sell, share, or trade our donors' names or personal information with any third party.