Non-Resident/Deceased Voter Report

Please remove the following voter from the “Active” voter records for non-residency at the address to which they are registered since the voter no longer lives at this address (provide as much information as possible):

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“I really don’t think Chuck knows what ‘impossible’ or ‘can’t be done’ mean. Somehow he missed the ‘failure’ class in politics. Chuck is smart, proactive, and a good writer and communicator. He also has a network—online and personal—that always impresses.”
Tim Hyde
DCI Group, Washington, DC
“In all my years of politics, there are few people I've been able to count on. Over and over again, Chuck has consistently delivered on his promises. I would recruit Chuck first for any project I become involved in going forward. He is the real deal unlike 1,000's of pretenders.”
Gregg Phillips
American Solutions PAC
“In my 40 years of being involved in public policy work, mostly in Washington DC, Chuck Muth's work product has been unique. His ability to grasp complex topics, to work with them in a way that teases out the key aspects that can inform and motivate others to act, and to do so at fast tempo, puts him at the top of my list as the ‘go to guy’ for difficult policy work.”
Paul Smith
Policy Consulting Service, Falmouth, MA
“I am grateful to Chuck for his sound advice, his un-compromising loyalty, his political knowledge and judgment, his strategic thinking and his never-ending willingness to roll up his sleeves to get the job done.”
John Phillip Sousa IV
Stars & Stripes PAC
"Chuck is a master at messaging and strategy and one of the most talented communications professionals I've ever worked with. If you're serious about putting out a great winning message for your campaign, your issue or your business, I highly, HIGHLY recommend bringing him into your organization."
Dennis Hof
Late Nevada Assemblyman
“Chuck is one of the most talented and prolific writers I’ve ever worked with. He is a 1%-er when it comes to wit, facts and effective, targeted resonance. If my campaign needed to beat the hell out of our opponent’s messaging, I’d hire Chuck in a heartbeat.”
Chris Burgard
Little Bonanza Productions
“Chuck, I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you. The professional manner in which you researched the facts regarding our schools was an important component in educating the public. Your communication and writing skills brought focus to the real issues.”
Dr. Ben Chavis
Founder, AIM Schools, Oakland, CA
“Chuck does his research and writes hard hitting editorials, columns and blog posts that get media attention. He’s well-spoken in interviews and makes the point as well as anyone I have seen. Chuck gives great advice and is truly an expert in politics and public policy.”
Scott Seastrand
Vice President, Western Elite
“Chuck does an outstanding job of keeping his finger on the pulse of the nation and has the proven skills to distill complex issues into useful messages. Chuck is a patriot, a fighter, and a good friend.”
Paul Nehlen
Citizens Revolt PAC
“Chuck, I just want to let you know that I have been deeply impressed with your efforts. Your communication and points are perfectly on-target and if it wasn’t for what you’re doing, I don’t think we’d have reached this point.”
Lauri Keller
IPS Group Inc., San Diego, CA

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