Big Developments in Fight to Clean Up Nevada’s Voter Lists

(Chuck Muth) – The Pigpen Project to clean up Nevada’s voter rolls is expanding statewide after months of a successful pilot program in Clark County.

We’ve been extremely effective in using “boots on the ground” to go door-to-door and obtain signed Non-Residency Reports from current residents willing to confirm that a registered active voter at their address no longer lives there.

However, that effort is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and misses folks who aren’t home when our volunteers get there or choose not to “get involved” by signing the form.

The success of the program – thanks to your support and dozens of volunteers – has proven that (a) yes, there are a lot of people on our voter rolls who shouldn’t be, and (b) the data and process we’re using to research suspected “out of state movers” (OOSM’s) is both reasonable and reliable.

Now we need to “scale up” the project.

As you may recall, about a year ago the Pigpen Project was selected to “beta test” a new software program that matches official voter registration lists to the post office’s official National Change of Address (NCOA) lists.

As of May 1, 2024, we have been granted access to the Nevada Secretary of State’s statewide voter file and have been approved to access the NCOA data from an official licensee of the United States Post Office.

This allows us to identify voters currently on Nevada’s voter registration lists but have since moved permanently (not military personnel or college students) and re-registered to vote in their new state.

So this week we will be submitting over 1,000 names to 10 of Nevada’s 17 county clerks/registrars who, according to existing laws, can and should mail a “confirmation” postcard that, if not returned in 33 days, would result in the voter being moved from “active” to “inactive” status before the November general election.

That means (a) they won’t be automatically sent a mail-in ballot (big savings to taxpayers while reducing the potential for voting fraud) and (b) will not lose their right to vote.

They’ll simply have to prove they’re still eligible to vote at the address where they’re registered.  And if not, Nevada permits same-day registration, so there’s no reason for ANY eligible voter to be “disenfranchised” or denied the ability to cast a ballot.

Here’s the breakdown of what we’ll be submitting to election officials…

  • Carson City: 8
  • Churchill County: 11
  • Clark County: 492
  • Douglas County: 32
  • Elko County: 11
  • Humboldt County: 2
  • Lyon County: 118
  • Nye County: 3
  • Storey County: 8
  • Washoe County: 364


It’s important to know this is only a fraction of what’s out there. 

We’ve identified tens of thousands of people currently on Nevada’s active file who shouldn’t be.  But there are complications within both state and federal election laws and procedures that we need to navigate before submitting larger lists.

But this “low-hanging fruit” is a start.  As the Chinese proverb notes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

To compile these lists, we need to have access to the voter registration files in other states. And right now we only have such access for about a dozen or so. We’re actively working on getting access to all 50 states.

I know this may seem small and slow, however, in order to work with election officials and be effective, we need to do everything “by the book” and make sure all our i’s are dotted and t’s crossed.

There have been too many irresponsible figures – especially Sigal Chattah, the Nevada Republican Party’s National Committeewoman – out there making wild accusations who haven’t done the work and learned the election laws and codes the way we have.

And this whole cooperative effort is new to both us and election officials.  As such, we’re still hitting some bumps in the road, but we’re making progress.

Now onto another front in the clean-up war…

You may have read or heard stories that the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has filed a precedent-setting lawsuit in Nevada – based on solid, documented research – alleging that many voters are on Nevada’s active registration lists while registered at commercial addresses.

This is another difficult area to tackle when you look below the surface, because you can’t just assume that someone registered at what’s identified as a commercial address doesn’t live there.

Some commercial addresses DO have residential quarters on the property – such as an apartment above a retail store.  And as hard as it is to believe, the law allows homeless individuals to register without living at a permanent residence, including vacant lots.

But PILF did what so many irresponsible “fraud” claimants have been unwilling to do.  They actually went directly to the commercial address and obtained video evidence that the person registered there doesn’t live there.

Including someone registered at Larry Flint’s strip club in Las Vegas!

This is the kind of “proof” that’s necessary to document ineligible registrations that some of the loudest “vote fraud” voices have been unwilling or unable to do.

Unlike others who just file random lawsuits without doing their homework, PILF has conducted its investigations reasonably and reliably and consulted with the Pigpen Project in advance of the lawsuit to learn what we’ve learned.

Click here to see PILF’s video.

Click here to read PILF’s press release on the lawsuit.

Click here to read the full lawsuit.

Click here to read the Epoch Times story on the lawsuit.

Click here to watch Jesse Waters’ report on FOX News.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

It’s taken DECADES to create this problem with Nevada’s voter lists – which has been compounded by the fact that we’re such a transient state of people moving in and out on a regular basis.

There’s no magic wand we can wave to fix this overnight.  But thanks to your support, we’re moving in the right direction and making a difference in better securing our elections.



“Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.” – Seth Godin

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization founded in 1992.  Donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.