Nevada Republicans Overtake Democrats – But There’s a “Dirty” Secret Behind the Numbers

(Chuck Muth) – It was announced on Monday that Republicans in Nevada now outnumber Democrats by 341 voters.

And yes, the increasing popularity of Donald Trump and his policies – combined with the DECREASING popularity of “woke” Democrats and their policies – has a lot to do with it.

But there’s something else involved in this development that most in the media are missing…

On January,1 2024, Democrats outnumbered Republicans in Nevada by 41,192.

That’s around the same time the Pigpen Project and others started aggressively working with local election officials to clean up Nevada’s dirty voter files.

By the end of July 2024, the Democrat advantage had shrunk 29,009.

Then the election year “purge” of ineligible voters – who the counties identified as having moved or died – was conducted in August.

That purge removed 33,819 Democrats and 21,773 Republicans – a net gain for the GOP of 12,046.

When the smoke cleared on September 1, 2024, the Democrat advantage had shrunk to 19,223 – more than half what it was at the start of the year.

In other words, the big Democrat advantage in Nevada over the past several years has been artificially inflated by the state’s dirty voter rolls.

Cleaning out the dead wood last August gave us a more realistic number.

But here’s the problem…

Even after the purge in August, the Pigpen Project identified over 33,000 additional voters who the post office reported as having moved but election officials missed – because they’re not using the same available government data the Pigpen Project is using.

Why not?

Hopefully the Legislature will address this in the upcoming session.  Senate Republican Minority Leader Robin Titus is already drafting a bill to fix it (BDR 24-579).

Anyway, official “challenges” to those 33,000+ voters were filed in August.

However, Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar directed the county clerks and registrars of voters to reject the challenges and ignore them!

So they remain on our “dirty” voter rolls.

Something tells me the new GOP lead in Nevada would actually be a heckuva lot higher if you remove all these voters who remain on the list but have moved and are no longer legally eligible to vote in Nevada elections.

And for the record…

The Pigpen Project is totally non-partisan.  We’ve tried to remove ALL voters – regardless of party – who should no longer be on the Active list.

It’s just that more Democrats have moved but remain on the list than Republicans.  That’s simply the reality; not partisan.

Regardless, the voter rolls are still dirty.  And Secretary Aguilar seems to have no desire to do what’s necessary to thoroughly clean them.

Hmm, I wonder why?


“So, here’s the truth: If you want to fix the broken elections, YOU must demand change. YOU must camp out at your local legislator’s office, your US congressman/senator’s office. You hate this screwed up system? So go tell them to fix it. We have to stop letting the people who hate America dictate these awful election rules. The rules that propel them to office. Time. To. Stop. Them.” – Cleta Mitchell

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization founded in 1992.  Donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.