Nevada’s “Routine List Maintenance” Missed 14,090 Out-of-State Voters

(Chuck Muth) – Quick update…

1.)  As noted in the last email, the left has accused the Pigpen Project “using incomplete data from VoteRef, an online database of semi-public voter information that’s proven unreliable.”

100% BS.

We only use official government voter registration data provided by the Nevada Secretary of State.  In fact, here’s a screen shot of the email our data analyst, Dan Burdish, received last April giving us direct access to the official voter list…

2.)  Prior to the recent update to Nevada’s voter lists two weeks ago, as part of the “routine list maintenance” process, we had identified 14,507 Active voters on the voter rolls who the post office’s National Change of Address (NCOA) database showed had moved.

After the clean-up, we bounced the new list against our original list.  And an initial search shows only 230 of our original 14,507 had their status changed from Active to Inactive – meaning they won’t automatically receive a mail-in ballot for the November general election – and 187 had their registrations cancelled completely.

That means 14,090 voters who no longer live in Nevada were missed by the “routine list maintenance” process and are still on the Active voter rolls.

We are now verifying our information and will be filing official individual “challenges” to those voters next week.

Again I ask: Why don’t liberal activists such as the Democracy Docket want these ineligible voters who no longer live in Nevada removed from Nevada’s voter rolls?

Yes, progress has been made.  But there’s still a LOT of work to do.  Thanks for your continued support.  We wouldn’t be able to do this without you.


“Mass vote by mail requires highly accurate voter rolls. Otherwise, ballots end up at the wrong addresses and some people are even sent multiple ballots under slightly different versions of their name.” – J. Christian Adams, president, Public Interest Legal Foundation

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization founded in 1992.  Donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.

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