Another Pigpen Success: Closing the Loops on Dupes

(Chuck Muth) – I know when you read this, some of you are going to recoil like you just stepped on a rattlesnake…

But the Clark County Registrar of Voters’ (ROV) office under its new director, Lorena Portillo, has been extremely helpful and cooperative with our Pigpen Project to clean up the voter rolls.

We’re still waiting on a new software program that will allow us to identify and research anomalies faster and in bigger numbers to get out of beta testing; however, we’ve been doing our own data analysis and have been submitting reports questioning various voter registrations.

We’ve already successfully confirmed and removed some dead voters.  And others who no longer live at the address where they’re registered have been changed from “active” status to “inactive” – which means they’ll no longer be automatically mailed a ballot.

In addition, we recently submitted a list of what appeared to be 92 duplicate registrations to the ROV for further investigation and got a report on the results this morning…

One turned out to be twins.  This is why you have to verify, verify, and verify instead of automatically jumping to the “fraud” conclusion.

As the database we’re using is from last March, we were advised that 48 of the submitted “dupes” had already been merged and removed from the file.

The other 43 pairs we submitted have now been merged, though 24 had already been identified and were scheduled to be merged by the ROV.

In addition, the Election Department went a step further in its own research and verified that “none of the voters on your list voted more than once in an election.”

Good! As it should be.

That doesn’t mean the *potential* for voting fraud doesn’t exist with duplicate voter registrations, which is why the Pigpen Project is so important.

As I’ve tried to convey to some conspiracy theorists out there, the mere existence of duplicate registrations doesn’t automatically equate to actual “fraud.” And I’m happy to report that, so far, we haven’t found any.

Two other items…

1.) We will soon have an online form up on the Pigpen Project website where you or any other member of the public can submit a suspicious registration that our team will then follow up on.

The “moved” and “dead” files we’ve already worked on and submitted all came from Pigpen Project supporters who gave us a heads up. So we want to make that easier for everybody else.

2.)  There’s considerable confusion as to how deceased voters are identified and removed from the voter rolls by election officials.

Jessica Hill of the Las Vegas Review-Journal did an excellent piece titled, “How long does it take for a dead person to be taken off voter rolls?” An excerpt…

“The state Office of Vital Statistics, which works with funeral homes, physicians, coroners and families, sends daily notice reports to the secretary of state’s office with official death certificates. The secretary of state’s office then compares that data with the statewide registered voter list.

“If it finds that the registered voter is deceased, the secretary of state’s office notifies the appropriate county clerk, who then also determines whether or not the person is dead and then cancels the person’s registration, according to the secretary of state’s office. That process is immediate and takes less than 24 hours, according to the secretary of state’s office.

“Then once a month, the secretary of state determines whether each county clerk has followed through on removing a dead voter from the statewide registration list, according to state law. If the secretary of state finds that the county clerk has not removed a dead voter, they notify the clerk again and repeat the process.”

Jess then went on to explain how the one proven case of voting fraud identified from the 2020 election happened and how to prevent it in the future.  To read the full article, click here.

To wrap up, I just want to thank everyone who’s donated to this project and/or has provided invaluable information that’s allowed us to proceed.  We’re making progress…and your support is making it all possible.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Chuck Muth, President
Citizen Outreach Foundation


“Hi Chuck.  First, thank you for choosing to work with us on this project. We all know there will likely be some bumps along the way, especially as we begin this project, but I’m confident that having open lines of communication will avoid misunderstandings and help make this successful.” – Clark County Election Department

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization founded in 1992.  Donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.