Dirty Voter Rolls: The Mother’s Milk of Election Fraud

(Chuck Muth) – When Richard Viguerie, my friend and “Godfather of the Conservative Movement,” tweeted, “This might be the most important thread you’ve seen in months, pls read to the end,” I immediately took his advice.

Richard was right.  Huge story on election fraud that was actually caught in California.  In case you missed it on Twitter, here’s Mark Mendlovitz’ account of what took place last week…

This story is incredibly important, and it wouldn't have been discovered without the terrific detective work of San Joaquin County Sheriff Patrick Withrow's department.

What started out as an investigation of the gambling and money laundering activities of a local Lodi city councilman, originally from Pakistan (Shakir Khan), morphed into an investigation of an extensive ballot trafficking and harvesting scheme.

The reason this story is so important is what is caught on video and what the investigation revealed about the vulnerabilities of our election system.

The video is amazing. It shows just how easily people can be intimidated into voting via ballot harvesting. As the Sheriff's department noted, not only was the privacy of their votes lost, but these voters were also subjected to ILLEGAL ELECTIONEERING.

“Vulnerable communities” (as the Left refers to them), like immigrants and the elderly, can be easily threatened and exploited because ballots OUTSIDE THE SANCTITY OF THE SECURE VOTING BOOTH present a very inviting target to political operators. It's all caught on video.

The portion of the video after the 30-minute mark is especially interesting. The spokesman notes that California's “online voter registration system seems to be an HONOR SYSTEM. ANYBODY CAN PUT INFORMATION IN THERE TO REGISTER TO VOTE.”

They go on to reveal that their investigation discovered THOUSANDS of fraudulent voter registrations on the San Joaquin County voter rolls, & signatures for these registrations do not match DMV records. (This dysfunction is a result of CA's refusal to require voter ID.)

You can be sure that the usual suspects in the media will claim the problems are isolated and a rare exception. That's complete nonsense, because they aren't bothering to look.

I've heard from experts around the country that this is actually commonplace, and that fraudulent voter registrations, frequently referred to as “ghost voters,” are polluting state voter registration databases. Dirty voter rolls are the mother's milk of election fraud.

The repercussions of this story will extend far beyond San Joaquin County. It is imperative the House Judiciary Committee begins an investigation into what happened in Lodi, including the security problems in voter registration systems and vote-by-mail.

To their credit, the San Joaquin Sheriff's Department emphasized that scandals like this destroy the public's confidence in elections. There is no doubt there are similar scandals elsewhere that have yet to be uncovered.

HERE ARE THE VIDEO LINKS: https://news.yahoo.com/san-joaquin-county-sheriffs-officials-222540238.html

If such scandals exist in Nevada, the Pigpen Project will be looking for them.  To help us clean up the voting rolls and root out election fraud, click here to donate to the effort.


“If even one vote has been illegally cast or if the integrity of just one election official is compromised, it diminishes faith in the process.” – U.S. Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of CampaignDoctor.com.  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at MuthsTruths.com.  His views are his own.