The Hidden Dangers of Hasty “Voting Fraud” Accusations


(Chuck Muth) – The voter who wrote to the Pigpen Project and reported that three of her deceased family members were still getting ballots as of last year was happy that we were finally able to have them removed from the voter list.

“I really do thank you for taking care of all of this,” BK wrote.  “I’m also thrilled. It was a wonderful learning opportunity.”

For a detailed account of how we accomplished this, click here.

And while I haven’t disclosed the voter’s name who provided us the “lead” to follow-up on, she reads these Pigpen Project updates.  And I just want to publicly thank her for helping us process this first report of a deceased voter still being registered.

We, too, learned a lot and couldn’t have done it without her. Thanks, BK!

Pretty soon, anyone will be able to file such a report online for the Pigpen Project to research and investigate suspicious registrations.  Until then, I’ll keep you posted on other things we learn as we move through the process.

Here’s another example…

In an initial data search, we uncovered 21 registrations recorded last year in Clark County in which the voter’s last name was “Resident” – and no first names.

Suspicious, right?

So we submitted the list to the Clark County Registrar of Voters (ROV) for further investigation.  Here’s the response we received…

“Regarding your first spreadsheet: someone could end up as a ‘resident’ if we were unable to read their handwriting from the registration form. We send them a letter advising them of this, and let them know how to correct it. It is also worth noting that none of them voted, and would not be able to vote in the future unless they properly register.

OK, that makes sense and is a reasonable explanation.  Learn something new every day.

But it’s important to note that had we simply taken our suspicions and immediately called it “voting fraud,” we’d have looked like uninformed conspiracy nuts – kinda like the Nevada GOP when it dumped four big boxes on the Secretary of State’s doorstep of supposedly 120,000+ pieces of “evidence” that the 2020 election was “stolen.”

As it turned out, a large number of the alleged “fraudulent” ballots were cast by military service personnel stationed out-of-state who, nevertheless, were still legally eligible to vote in their home state.

The data collection effort for that dog-and-pony show was, at best, lazy.  They didn’t do their homework.  Simply took some database matches and ran with them without verifying.  Totally irresponsible.

Shot first.  Asked questions later. And ended up with dinosaur-sized egg on their faces.

When you see an anomaly, you don’t immediately call a press conference and cry wolf.  Instead, you investigate and have all your *i’s* dotted and *t’s* crossed.  You ask questions to see if there’s an explanation other than “fraud.”

As Hanlon’s Razor warns, “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect.”

Just because someone fails to legibly print their name on a voter registration form doesn’t constitute “fraud.”  Nor do typos.  Or data entry errors.

OK, I’ll now climb down from my soapbox.

But I want folks who may get involved in helping us with this project to know we’re going to do this responsibly, thoroughly, and cooperatively with election officials.

If you’re already predisposed to automatically characterize any and every “red flag” registration as “proof” of voter fraud, we can’t use you.

But if you want to get involved with the Pigpen Project – and come in with an open, questioning mind – we’re gonna need all the help we can get.  So…THANK YOU!


“If even one vote has been illegally cast or if the integrity of just one election official is compromised, it diminishes faith in the process.” – U.S. Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization.  Donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.