Universal Mail-In Balloting Bans

(Chuck Muth) – Steve Moore of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity wrote today…

“Even third world countries with long histories of political corruption have concluded that mail-in-balloting is prone to cheating. But the U.S. still allows it. Our ace election integrity expert John Fund confirms this is all true.”

Fund is a good friend who has spoken at a number of our events and conferences over the years.  He has literally written the book on election integrity.  And here are some interesting stats he’s compiled on the subject…

  • France banned mail-in voting in 1975 – due to fraud
  • Mexico banned mail-in voting in 1992 – due to fraud
  • Belgium banned mail-in voting in 2018 – due to fraud
  • Sweden does not permit mail-in voting
  • Italy does not permit mail-in voting
  • Ukraine does not permit mail-in voting
  • Russia does not permit mail-in voting
  • Japan does not permit mail-in voting
  • No Middle Eastern country permits mail-in voting
  • No Latin country permits mail-in voting


However, for better or worse – mostly worse – universal, automatic mail-in balloting is the law of the land in Nevada.  And it’s riddled with problems.

“Vote by mail is the worst way to run an election,” posits Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation.  “It leads to chaos and even disenfranchisement. Often ballots, never reach the intended voter, or are lost by the United States Postal Service.”

Indeed, just yesterday I helped Republican Assembly candidate April Arndt with a 90-year-old voter undergoing cancer treatment whose wife received her mail-in ballot, but not him.  Because of his medical condition, voting in person is not an option.

Exceptions for such circumstances can be made.  In fact, REQUESTING a mail-in/absentee ballot has always been an option in Nevada.

But automatically mailing a ballot to every active voter was forced on Nevadans by legislative Democrats in a 2020 special session during the COVID hysteria.

It should be repealed – just as Gov. Joe Lombardo proposed last session.  But the political reality of Democrat control of the Legislature means it ain’t gonna happen anytime soon.

If you want to change the laws, you have to change the lawmakers.


“Mass vote by mail requires highly accurate voter rolls. Otherwise, ballots end up at the wrong addresses and some people are even sent multiple ballots under slightly different versions of their name.” – J. Christian Adams, president, Public Interest Legal Foundation

The Pigpen Project is a project of Citizen Outreach Foundation, an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) grassroots organization founded in 1992.  Donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.